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Goals for 2022 |

Updated: Feb 21, 2022

A lot of people choose goals for the new year, some just want to give themselves something to achieve to start the new year fresh.

Every year I choose goals for the new year, some I stick to but the important ones I never seem to be able to do! I have decided that I'm going to keep updating you all so you guys can give me the motivation to keep on going!

  • Pay Off Debts

Yeah, you read it right. As a young married couple, we were reckless. We wanted to be on our own, we wanted our own space, our privacy.. we wanted a place where we could do our own things, without anyone nagging us. We agreed with each other and of course, we moved forward, money was nothing. We enjoyed going out, spending, buying all different things, takeaways, food, beer, clothes, games.. you name it we brought it. We racked up a lot of debt and now we are paying for it. We have spent the last year paying off our debts so far and we still have a long way to go, so I want to make sure that by next year that 95% of the debts are paid off and the other 5% of it will be slowly wiped off in 2023. Once the majority of our silliness is paid off, I will update you all and show you how much we have achieved.

  • Stop living paycheck to paycheck

This is in line with the debts! At the minute we are so focused on paying back things that we owe, we are always living paycheck to paycheck. November 2020, we had no money to ourselves, as soon as the wages hit.. it went out and we had to borrow it back to cover what we needed for that month. We had some help paying off that overdraft and now we see the wages, well as much as we can. In 2020, we had nothing to ourselves, it was just here and there but it's now Dec 2021, we are still living paycheck to paycheck but we both manage to get £150 each to spend on whatever we want, so we are going up in the world! We will get there,

  • Blogging

One thing that I want to make sure I do is to concentrate on my blogging. I have tried many times to produce my blog and something always gets in the way, whether that's adult life or just the fact I haven't got anything to blog about, this time next year I am hoping that I have got a blooming blog with an amazing audience which I know I will! I want to be able to do this as a full-time job, I want to be able to share my life and experiences with you all! I want to be able to help you all make decisions based on non-biased opinions! I cannot wait to share it all with you. I have so many ideas already, 2022 will be a blast!

  • Lose weight

My next goal is to lose weight. I have always struggled with my weight, I have always been on the bigger side of life. Every time I try and lose weight, regardless of the diet I'm on, I always put the weight back on. I luckily lost 3 stone a few years ago, I stuck to a strict diet, and I'm still foggy about how I put it back on. I have certain medical conditions which prevent me from losing it as quickly as everyone else, but even when I do achieve the loss, due to other conditions I have to stop exercising so the weight just piles back on but I'm going to make it a dedicated goal next year to try my best to at least lose some and keep it off!

  • Baby

I was told a few years ago that I would never be able to have children, after many tests I ended up getting pregnant, it was a miracle. I was then told after my miscarriage that I would be able to have children but I wouldn't be able to carry them. After a few miscarriages, I was told that if I lost weight I would end up having a healthy pregnancy, after many years of trying and trying to lose weight, I have decided that I want to do everything possible next year to conceive, so baby dust to everyone!

Those are my five goals for 2022!

                                What are your goals?

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