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Write a letter to your younger self |

Updated: Feb 22, 2022

Alot of people look back to when they were younger and they cannot believe the difference it would make, there are so many things that I wish I could tell my younger self, try and explain how my life would be, and get on the right path before the mistakes are made. Below will be my letter, it will explain everything I would want to let my younger self know and get them ready for the future.


Dear Courtney,

I know things are hard right now but you can get through it. I'm am you from the future, I have seen the path you are on and the struggles you will face and I just want you to know that things will work out.

You wake up every day wondering why people love you, you look in the mirror and wonder why people want to be around you, you look at yourself in disbelief of how ugly you are, but the thing is... it's all in your head. Your life turns out amazing. Let me explain.

Things will change for you, your life is a rollercoaster, things will happen and you will hate it, you won't be in control for most of it, you just have to ride it out until you can figure out what you want.

Courtney, you are loved. You have told your friends in the past that you can't see yourself being happy, you don't think you will ever find the right person to be with, you don't think you will get married and have children but you will be surprised at what will happen.

In 2017, you will fall in love. Yes, it's a long way away yet Courtney, but it will happen. You won't even expect it, you will go for a drink and some food with someone from school and you will hit it off, you will both fall in love, quickly but carefully. Courtney, you will both hit bumps in the road but you will both overcome them.

Unfortunately in 2021, you will still be infertile, but don't let that get to you, you will be strong and you will fight through it. I know you think about it, I know that you believe nobody will love you because you can't give them children but this isn't true. Unfortunately, you have all different diagnoses, saying you can't have children, but they were mistaken, you have had miscarriages Courtney which means that you can have children but unfortunately you haven't been successful in carrying them, but stick to what you know in 2021 Courtney, things will look up.

Even better Courtney, you get married. Yes, you read that right, you got engaged, 10 months after getting into a relationship. Alot of people thought it was too early but don't let that stop you, continue on the path, you will have such a wonderful time. You end up having a car accident on your wedding day, but you will all end up coming out alive! Minus the accident, your wedding day will be wonderful and of course, your mom will be crying!

Courtney, you won't have any friends from 2021. You may think, that all of the people in your life are amazing and you will forever be friends, but it's untrue. I'm sorry but it's best to ride your life alone. You believe they are the best thing in the world but unfortunately Courtney, there isn't a place for them, you will realise who is worthwhile down the line, you will see whose worthy, look out for the ones that talk about you behind your back and you already know who they are. Get rid before you get hurt.

Would you believe it, Courtney, you move out of your mom and dad's home! Yes, you become an independent adult, you move in with your husband! As I write this now, it's been 3 years already! You will find a path and you will find the right way to go!

COURTNEY! YOUR DREAM COMES TRUE, YOU GET A TORTOISE, FROM A HATCHLING. You name him Bert, little Berty boy. He is the best thing in the world. Make sure you tell your mom too, she also gets a tortoise, she rescues him! Your mom and dad love him to bits, they call him Sheldon, shelly for short. He is wonderful. Your dad builds Sheldon his boxes, they get so big and they give Bert his boxes too. Your mom and dad are always there for you now, just like they have always been.

Your family become whole again, live your life this way Courtney, you will be on the right path


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