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What makes you happy? | 6 things!

Updated: Feb 22, 2022

There are so many reasons why I should be happy! Just waking up every day and looking outside, breathing in the fresh air that seeps through the open windows is a good enough reason to be happy! Life is so unexpected, you should make sure you can say that you have happily experienced life, to the best it can be!

Here are 6 things that make me a very happy woman!

  1. Baby Bert

Now, I bet you're wondering, who is Baby Bert.. good question.

This is Bert the Hermann. He is one of the most important things in my life.

When I got told, I may not be able to have children, I was broken. In 2018, my husband brought me, Berty, he was no bigger than a 5p coin when he was born, he was the runt of the litter. He was so tiny, the most precious thing in the world. We had to wait until he had grown a bit before we were allowed to have him, he was the size of a 50p coin when we had him in our arms. He is such a big part of my life, every morning he greets me with a massive smile and a bottom shake. He is my little, not so little baby.

2. Rain

I bet some of you are sitting there and thinking? The rain, are you mental. Well, I might just be! The rain is one thing that makes me happy. When I used to live at home with my parents, they have a conservatory at the back of the house. When the rain hits off the roof, it's so peaceful; I could happily sit in there all day while the rain is hitting off the panels.

My love for the rain hasn't changed since I have moved out. When the wind is in the right direction, it hits off our windows and it sounds so mesmerizing.

What I love the most about the rain is how refreshing it can be, I enjoy standing out in the rain feeling the raindrops drop onto my face especially the different types of rain you can get!

There have been a few times where I needed to de-stress, I went out into the garden clothed with no coat, lay down on the grass, and with every drop I let out a sigh, washing away anything negative. I wish we had a garden now because that's exactly what I would be doing.

3. Fireworks

There are always mixed emotions when it comes to fireworks, everyone has different opinions. I always feel sorry for the animals that get upset and scared with the sound and the bangs of them, personally I have never come across an animal that doesn't like them around me, but that's not to say there aren't any.

However, with the fireworks we used to have I always enjoyed them. The fireworks didn't use to be as loud as they have been used lately but I do have to admit to some extent I love fireworks on special occasions.

One year, we attended the firework show at the West Midland Safari Park.

The firework show was amazing. It's the biggest display that I have ever seen. The opening song was from the Greatest Showman, which at the time was one of the greatest hits!

We all went as a family, it was one of the greatest nights I have ever had. I would definitely go back again!

4. Blogging

Blogging is one of my favourite things to do, it makes me really happy. It allows me to express my feelings, give my real opinion and be able to review things truthfully. It allows me to share my day-to-day activities with you all, give my honesty on every event! It's a chance to be able to allow people to make decisions on where they may want to visit. Blogging gives me a sense of purpose and allows me to be able to open up to all new different people, it's one of the best things to do. If you want to share your own experiences and express your opinions and your day-to-day activities, then you should start a blog too! Best thing I have ever done.

5. Christmas

Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year. I went through a phase of liking Christmas, to hating it and now I'm getting back into the Christmas spirit. When I lived with my parents, I loved Christmas. I would spend the night being so excited, that I would always be tired. I could never sleep. It wasn't for the fact of opening presents, it's more that I enjoyed spending the day with my family.

2019 was the worst Christmas I had in my life. Me and my husband weren't in a great place, we were constantly arguing over petty things, we didn't want to be around each other, of course, that's not what Christmas is about. We had money issues, things were difficult and by that time he no longer wanted to be a married man so of course Christmas that year was the worst one ever.

It's 2021 and I'm excited for Christmas, it's weird how things change. We are in such a good place, we laugh, we make memories, it's just the best. I have brought him so many presents this year, I have had to hide them at my parent's house, just so he doesn't snoop! He has decided to come to my parent's house this year for Christmas so I'm really excited to spend time with him and of course my family at the same time.

6. Gaming

I have different opinions when it comes to gaming, but certain ones make me so happy. I'm not an over-the-top gamer, I game when I have the free time but it's something I choose to do when I have time to myself.

The only game at the minute that I enjoy playing is Animal Crossing on the Nintendo switch. I always used to play the old versions of Animal Crossing, so when I had the opportunity to buy the new game along with the new DLC I jumped at the chance.

It's just so relaxing playing a game that you had a close connection with as a child, it brings back all the old memories that you had back then.

Your able to build your own island, Animal Crossing has so many pieces of furniture that they have released into the game. It allows you to produce all different scenes across your home and island. They give you a base outline of the island layout and then your able to build your own themes wherever you like, of course, while making friends at the same time! If you haven't already played, you should give it a go!

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