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Christmas at Haden Hill |

One of my favourite times of the year is Christmas. I jumped at the chance when I saw the tickets to spend the evening at Haden Hill, celebrating Christmas.

I was scrolling through social media and an article had been shared with a group that I'm in. It was a ticket-based event happening at Haden Hill, reading through, they described all the different things they would have, all the activities you can take part in and the best thing about it, it was only £5 per ticket. Within minutes, I took the leap and paid for two tickets, I couldn't wait to spend some quality time with Ben outside of our home. This was the chance for us to make some memories, take some photographs and enjoy ourselves, pushing all our worries to the back of our minds, for one night.

Another good thing about this event was that it was held at a local park which is a 5-minute walk around the corner from where we currently live, we saved money on transport which is always a bonus.

Hand in hand, we walked side by side to Haden Hill Park.

Halesowen Road, Cradley Heath, B64 7JL

When we turned the corner, you could see hundreds of people walking to queue, the event was ticket-based only, all entrances and exits were covered just in case someone wanted to get in without a ticket, which I thought was good, alongside the extra security.


To our surprise, they were letting people in so quick, we were excited. As soon as you walked through the entrance, you could see the normal pond to the left, even in the dark... it's beautiful. Continuing walking, you are met smack bang in the middle of loads of stalls! We didn't know where to start, there were arts and crafts stores, hand-made jewellery... there were loads f toys! It was like Christmas morning!

We both had a stroll around the stalls, to see if we could support small businesses, they were so many! It was so lovely watching the community come together.

We passed the stalls and headed down to the right of the park, on our way we heard the speakers blaring our Christmas songs so, of course, I had to blurt out my terrible singing, but it felt so near, so festive I just wanted to sing and dance. There were so many entertainers around for the children, there was a lady who had big bubble blowers, everywhere we walked all we could see were hundreds of bubbles floating around, it was lovely.

We came along a big tent at the bottom, we, of course, had to go over and have a look to see what it was all about, we need to know everything! Of course, we were more overjoyed to learn it was a food and drink tent!

We didn't think that there would be food and drink to this extent! There were so many different options, within this tent there were nibbles, some foods like scotch eggs, but even though there was a small range of scotch eggs, they were huge.. they also served alcoholic drinks for the adults, so that was a nice option! It was nice to let out hair down and enjoy the atmosphere, within each other's company.

There were also food vans, one van was serving Caribbean food, and others were selling candy floss, burgers hotdogs.. the list was endless. Of course, as I don't like hot dogs, the only option I tried was the burgers! They offered loads of condiments with it but I'm fairly plain so I just had a regular cheeseburger, whereas Ben add garlic mayonnaise with onions etc! He had to be difficult Ahah!

The burgers were so nice and what I like the most about it was by the time we arrived at the burger van, they were just adding fresh patties to the grill which was even better, the buns were so soft!

One of the best things that we enjoyed the most

                         Look at how good they look!

One of the best things that we enjoyed the most there was the arcade machines.

When me and Ben go on holiday, we always have to find out where the best arcade machines are, it's just our thing! We love spending all of our money on the 2p machines! As soon as we spotted the arcade machines, we soon ran up the tiny little hill, there were 6-8 in total, all with different prizes in.

We had just finished watching a series on Netflix and in the one machine, were characters from that said series so we spent loads of money trying to win, we were so close but unfortunately, we didn't win anything but it was fun trying, of course, we had to try on the machines that had the octopus's in and also the minions, as we will all know me and Ben love the minions, once brought him a big Steve minion for £25 off holiday! Yes, we are still kids!

There were so many people, it was lovely to see everyone enjoying themselves, especially the children! There were children's rides, you could hear the laughter of the children enjoying themselves, it was so lovely and of course, you could hear the excitement of them while their parents were in line for the candy floss store! We had such a good night.

The one thing we didn't realise was at a certain time they were doing a countdown until they switched on their Christmas lights and we nearly missed it, thank god that the person on stage was loud otherwise we would have walked through the gate.

We were walking down to the exit and all we heard was everyone counting down the numbers, of course, we stopped and turned back wondering what was happening and of course, once they hit zero, the park lit up like Blackpool illuminations, it was amazing! Such a good night, so many new memories, pictures we can always cherish.

I hope they do it again next year!

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