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My Christmas Day Plan |

Updated: Feb 21, 2022

Everyone has a different plan when it comes to Christmas day! I for one, always enjoy spending my day with my family, I have always hoped my Husband would join me for one Christmas. I have tried over and over to stop myself from going to my mom and dad's for Christmas and allow myself to go to my husband's parents but when it comes to it, I just can't. I just enjoy Christmas day doing something that I'm used to.

This year, my husband has agreed to come to my parent's for Christmas day! I cannot wait to be able to see him open his presents!

I have certain things that I do on Christmas day, it's just a routine I do every year.

- Wake Up Early

I'm terrible, I'm still like a child. I don't sleep as it is, so I'm up even earlier than I usually am. You can bet I'm awake at 4 am, just tiptoeing around until everyone else is awake.

-Wake up Ben and Baby Bert

Seeing as I'm up the earliest, when its time I go and wake up Ben and wish him Merry Christmas, we have a chat for a little while and then I go and wake Baby Bert up, I switch on his heating lamp and wish him Merry Christmas, depending on what mood he is in.. we have a cuddle.

- Hygiene and clothes!

Once that is done, I get up and go and brush my teeth. Once my teeth have been brushed, I run the bath and make sure to get the shampoo and shower gel ready. While the bath is running and everything I need is there, I go and set out my Christmas day pj's, slippers, socks, etc so I'm ready for when I get out of the bath. Once I'm clean, I get into my Christmas pj's and get ready for the day.

- Baby Bert

Just like everyone, our little Berty till gets a Christmas present! We sit on the floor and we get Berty out of his table and give him his Christmas present. As everyone is aware, due to Bert being a tortoise he can't have anything that he isn't able to, this year we will be getting him a plant to plant in his table, but I have a suspicion that as soon as he is out of his table and realizes what plant it is, he will be chomping on it before its even planted!

Once he has had his plant planted in his table, I will then feed him his normal food, but I can guarantee by the time I'm home from my parents, that plant will be devoured.

- Mom and Dad's

Usually, I get picked up by my dad on Christmas day, the prices of transport on that day are so high that if not then I would never be able to go so I'm grateful for them picking me up! Once my dad picks me up, we get back to theirs and we all greet one another and wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

Ben has decided to go to his parent's house in the morning to wish them Merry Christmas and exchange their presents, once he has spent time with his family, he will then make his way up to my mom and dad's!

- Presents

We never really do presents but this year I have gone all out for Ben and his presents so I'm looking forward to giving him his presents and to seeing the look on his face!

I usually give my dad the money and my mom has been naughty this year and she has already had her present, I have asked my mom and dad for a candle hamper for Christmas so I already know what I'm having, but she has already given me my snuddie so I'm looking forward to seeing how creative she has been with my hamper!

- Dinner

I always look forward to Christmas dinner, it's very rare my dad cooks but he always cooks Christmas dinner and it's the best food! It tastes amazing, even though I have not long found out he cooks the turkey throughout the night and he also adds bacon on top of the turkey, but by morning the bacon is always gone! Now I know! ;)

Round the table, we usually have to have two big tables, however my sister, my brother in law and the three kids are going elsewhere for dinner this year and they will be back for the evening buffet, so I think we will only be using the one table this year. I'm always sitting next to my dad, he is always on the left and my sister is diagonal on my right, but she has a partner this year so I'm guessing she will be opposite me with her boyfriend and Ben will be diagonal on the right.


- Entertainment;

Our family enjoys playing games, watching films.. we don't know the meaning of a boring Christmas! We always make sure that everyone is enjoying themselves, we are constantly finding ways to enjoy ourselves, finding the best games to play, and more importantly making memories.

What are your plans this year?

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