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Dudley Zoo

Updated: Feb 22, 2022

As many people will know, I love animals so it's no surprise that I enjoy going to Dudley Zoo when we have time off work.

The Zoo is run by a profit charity, they rely on the sales of the tickets to help them through every day. It was a terrible time for the Zoo when Covid-19 hit! They had to close for seven months, which of course was a big struggle to be able to fight through it.

We decided that we would visit the zoo when it was safe to do so! When we arrived, there were so many people, families, and couples enjoying their day out!

Opening Times;  Everyday from 10am, excluding Christmas Day. Last admission is 2pm, the grounds itself closes at approx. 4:30. 

The zoo itself offers many amazing things that can keep the public involved! You can purchase a fantastic adopt an animal package that makes a big difference to the animals you sponsor!

I sponsored a tiger from the zoo many years ago before he passed away, it was a great experience. I enjoyed receiving regular updates to see how he was progressing, the certificate of adoption alongside many other great things they give you.


I don't think many people realise, but Dudley Zoo offers animal webcams within the enclosures. At this present time, they offer a tiger and a penguin cam. While I'm sharing this, I'm watching keepers cleaning out the tiger enclosure, it's so therapeutic and I'm excited to see Joao and Daseep this morning!


This was my favourite photo that I took when we visited, the capture of the tongue was just perfect timing.

There are two things within the zoo that I enjoy doing. The Zoo has a little train that drives around the grounds, it drops off and picks up the public in two different places. I have been to the Zoo for many years and still to this day I enjoy using it, it's very handy if you are carrying heavy things for the day out.

What I find very useful, is that the train has several carts so it can carry a good amount of people at the same time, however, it also has a back cart which allows for bags and other things in there if they aren't able to go into a cart with their owner. You see alot of families put pushchairs in the back cart and take their little ones into the cart with them, it's so fun!

The other activity which I enjoy is the stairlift, there have been a few occasions where I have been, and unfortunately, it's not been optional due to the weather, but the times I have been able to get on have been great!

I'm never squeamish when it comes to heights, but the first time I went on, I made sure to close my eyes on the way down and on the way up!

I was braver the second time around and even managed to take a sneaky photo where my eyes are open and I can see the view on the way up and down! You can see on both occasions that there is an enclosure underneath so it's very nice to be able to see the animals from a height distance!

There is a weight limit on the chairs, for everyone's safety, but it's so much fun!

There are so many animals within the zoo, Giraffes, Lorikeets (Which are my favourite, shhh), Monkeys, Tigers, Lions, Camels, Owls, orangutans, Sea Lions, Farm, and Aquatic animals, there are so much more to see!

Alot of you will already know, the zoo is also famous for its castle! The castle itself is such a great view from afar, even if you are waiting at Dudley Bus Station you can see the castle, you can even see the flag if it's out!

The castle has many different events that happen every so often, there have been times when I have been and there is a bird show outside on the grounds of the castle.

I was quite worried at first, but the employee of Dudley Zoo who looked over the bird show put my mind at rest, it was quite exciting to be up close to the birds and you can see the castle at the back! Such a great view!

Below is a bigger picture of the castle!

Even on a cloudy day, you can see the castle in a beautiful view! Just by looking at it, you can see the amount of history it has!

If you feel very athletic, you can walk up the castle steps to have a wider look!

The best thing about the zoo is that you constantly want to return! I'm forever wanting to go!

Check out the website for any information I have missed, If you decide to visit, let me know! Hope you enjoy it, make sure you tell me your favourite part!


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