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The Blackcountry Museum

Updated: Feb 21, 2022

The Blackcountry Museum is one of my favourite places. I try and visit a few times of the year, of course, weather permitting, plus with covid regulations.. but I always try and visit!

I visited in August 2021, so much has changed! Even now, there are so many new building works going on, I cannot wait to see what they have in store for us. They have many boards surrounding the area, telling us what is supposed to be there but I always enjoy seeing the actual thing instead.

You would love the museum, I have been going since I was a child... I still remember the way the museum was back then, I still end up trying to walk around the top area which showed different-sized chains, etc but unfortunately, it has been changed since then.


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Once you have gone through the main entrance, you come out at the top of the museum. You turn left and walk straight up, on the left side is the vintage garage museum. The museum holds so many vintage vehicles, there are fire engines, ambulances, bikes, cars... there are so many!

Within the garage, there are windows looking into the repair shop. Every time I go, there is always a new car that's being fixed, on certain days you can see the repairmen in there fixing the vehicles, these are the vehicles that are used around the museum.

There aren't just old vintage cars on display, there are buses and vehicles used around the museum which allows the general public to travel on them.

You can see how popular they are! Especially on events hosted by the museum, you have to wait in queues to get on one!


The one thing I enjoy at the museum is the mineshaft! The museum is known for the mine shaft, depending on the weather and the circumstances, you can go down into the mines and have a walk around down there, usually, there are interactive displays which tell you all about the mines back in the day, it's so good.

Since COVID hit, they stopped the tours down in the mine, instead, they opened up the display at the top of the coal banks which allows the general public to see the open mine shaft, its brilliant. Once you have seen the shaft, you can walk over to the display and listen to how the chemical reactions are done.

The views are amazing.


Did you know the museum also has animals?

You wouldn't think that the Blackcountry Museum has animals. They have so many different ones, which I think works well with the general public. The first main animal they have is horses! They have a big open field opposite the crooked house, they seem to have everything they want and love, it's such a great view to see day to day!

The last time I went in August, I was quite shocked to realise that they also had chickens! After all the years I have been visiting, I never noticed that they had chickens in the pens next to the pigs! Yes, they also have pigs!

The museum have had loads of pigs, they used to be housed down the bottom of the museum, a few doors down from the pub! I used to love going down to see them, the pigs have been around for years! Wouldn't feel right if they weren't there, look how adorable they look!


One of the main things I love about the museum is the number of shops they have! When I was younger they used to have an old fish and chip shop, it was in a little square room, the food was amazing and fairly priced.

I was sad when they moved the old chip shop into a bigger and much more improved shop but I can understand their reasons, the shop is the first stop I make when I get to the museum.

I love going to the museum when its extremely busy, when there are so many people within the grounds, queues start forming to get into the chip shop, so the museum decide to open up the little old shop again to deal with the crowds, I for one get so excited when they do, I always make sure I'm in that queue!

The museum also have many shops within the high street where your able to go inside and interact with the performers. They have an old fashion chemist in there, an old DIY shop, one that sells old metal bathtubs, brushes, you name it! My personal favourite is the sweet and cake shops! They have tubs of sweets that they bag up into little white bags, it's so old-fashioned and I love it.

Our personal favourite in the cake shop has to be the CHERRY BAKEWELLS!

Look at the size of that Bakewell!


Did you know they have a pub in the grounds?

The Bottle & Glass Inn pub was originally located in Moor Lane, Buckpool, Brierley Hill. The pub was moved to the museum brick by brick, just like the other building. It was said to use on a visit, that each block of a building is numbered and they take it down in that order, move the bricks to the museum, and then the building is built in the order of the numbered bricks, which I thought was brilliant.

It was said that the Dudley hippodrome was also going to be moving to the museum, however, the director of the museum has said it was going to cost around 25 million to move and rebuild, plus the hippodrome has been sitting there derelict for many years, there's no telling how much damage needed repair.


There is so much more to do! Book your tickets and get a free pass all year round.

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